Aleksander Walijewski is an award-winning graphic designer based in Warsaw, Poland. He graduated with a Master’s degree in Graphic Design at the University of Arts in Poznań in the Poster Studio of Professor Grzegorz Marszałek.

Aleksander designs film, theatre and event posters. He draws inspiration from surrealism and Polish School of Posters, focusing on the concept of each work to attract the viewers with unusual and imaginative ideas. He achieves it by using metaphors, symbols and by creating something you could call “visual riddles”.

His clients include Netflix, Apple TV, Amazon, Yellow Veil Pictures, QCODE Media and many Polish theatres and cultural institutes, such as STU Theatre in Cracow, Jaracz Theatre in Łódź and Warsaw Chamber Opera.

Aleksander’s works were exhibited at various international poster shows around the world and have received multiple international awards including:

 1st Award at 2024 Peru Bienal in Cultural Poster category
– Gold Award at 2023 Clio Entertainment Awards in Theatrical/Film: Key Art medium
– 1st Prize Grand Prix at International Poster Biennale Lublin 2021
– 1st Award at Short Film Festival 2021 in Best Poster category

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